In Italiano

Yin Yoga

A gentle, slow, and deep-seated practice in which the positions are held for a long time, for minutes. A practice that makes you stay in stillness and enjoy it rather than fear it, focusing on self-observation and self-listening.

A style of slow yoga that incorporates the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, with asanas (postures) that are held for longer periods of time than in other styles. The sequences of postures are intended to stimulate the channels of the subtle body, known as meridians in Chinese medicine and as nadis in Hatha yoga. Yin Yoga postures act on the body's connective tissues, tendons, fascia, and ligaments with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility.

Yin Yoga aims to calm states of mind and bring about a state of well-being and stillness, the aim is to calm the restless mind and free the emotions. The state of meditation induced by the asanas allows one to become attuned to each inner movement: breath, mind, and heart move in unison, allowing the authentic I to emerge, freed from archetypes and negative influences.

Most postures are performed with supports such as bolsters, or you can use bed pillows. Always keep a blanket close to you and practice with comfortable, warm clothing.

Questions and support

A safe place where you can take care of yourself every day, where you can find balance through breathing and movement. We have tried to answer the most common questions, if you want more information write to us!